Weekly activity index for the German economy

The weekly activity index (WAI) is an index designed to measure real economic activity in Germany in a timely manner. The index is based on daily, weekly, monthly and quarterly indicators for the German economy.

Weekly activity index and GDP growth

Update as of 22 April 2024

  • For the week of 15 April - 21 April (week 16) the WAI stands at -0.3. The decrease was thus stronger than that in the preceding week (previously -0.2).
  • The index value indicates that trend-adjusted economic activity (measured by the WAI) in the 13 weeks up to 21 April was 0.3 % below activity in the preceding 13 weeks.  
  • The WAI-implied GDP growth rate for the last 13 weeks up to 21 April compared with the preceding 13 weeks is -0.3 %.

Due to lack of data for the indicator pedestrian frequency for week 16 and a lack of data for the indicator electricity for 18 and 19 April, the WAI was calculated without these data.

The next update is scheduled for 29 April 2024.


The WAI is still a work in progress; it is constantly undergoing revision and, when necessary, adjusted (see Methodology). The WAI is not an official forecast of the Deutsche Bundesbank or the Eurosystem.


Please cite this report as follows: 
Eraslan, S. and T. Götz (2020), An unconventional weekly economic activity index for Germany, Deutsche Bundesbank Technical Paper, 02/2020. Data retrieved from www.bundesbank.de/wai.