Statistical publications: new concept and flexible download options

As of 16 April 2020, the Bundesbank’s statistical publications will appear in a new format. In future, Statistical Series with partially amended content will be made available instead of Statistical Supplements. A modular publication structure will enable each issue to be updated on an ongoing basis and accommodate flexible download options.

The following overview explains the most important changes.

Revised publication structure

From now on, the new Statistical Series will comprise all regularly available statistical publications, with data presented in tables. These include current monthly Statistical Supplements as well as some Special Statistical Publications, most of which are released on an annual basis and which are to be continued as Statistical Series. In addition, the range of tables provided for individual statistical domains has been revised. English-language versions of all series will also gradually be made available.

In future, the Special Statistical Publications will solely contain methodological, legal and reporting-related information on the Bundesbank’s statistics.

The table you find at the end of this site provides an overview of differences between the old and new statistical publication structures.

Updates and additional download options

Similarly to previous publications, the Statistical Series will be made available on the Bundesbank’s website at monthly, semi-annual or annual intervals in the “Publications” and “Statistics” sections. Newsletter subscribers will continue to be informed of new publications.

The new concept is intended to make the update process for individual tables more flexible with the implementation of a modular publication structure. Where there are individual tables that have been updated at different times, this concept will make it possible to view the most up-to-date version of the entire series in each case. The updated issue will be accessible on the overview page of the respective Statistical Series as an additional statistical resource. Here, you will find various download options for the whole issue or for selected tables, which are available for individual or combined download.

A number of download formats are available. Aside from files in PDF format (and XLS format in some cases), CSV files can also be selected for ZIP download. In this way, time series belonging to a table, for example, can be called up directly in the form of a CSV file. It was previously only possible to do this by manually adding the time series to the data basket. A user guide on the new functions can be found in the document below.

Bookmarks for tables are changing

The overview pages of each of the Statistical Series serve as hubs for calling up and downloading related tables and data. The tables previously available in the “Statistics” section are therefore no longer in their usual location. We recommend that you check your bookmarks and create new ones if necessary.

Access options and bookmarks for time series and the time series database will remain the same.

Review your newsletter subscriptions

In keeping with the new publication structure, the newsletter service has also changed. In future, all statistics newsletters will be sent out in both German and English. You can subscribe to the newsletters on the regular issues of the Statistical Series as well as newsletters on individual topics at the link on the right side. Current newsletter recipients will be directly informed of changes to their existing subscriptions.


As always, our contact form can be used to send us any queries or suggestions.