Everything stays affordable Information about Bundes-Bank. In easy-to-read format.

Person holding a €1 coin ©Reinhild Kassing

Stable prices mean:
We can buy as much with €1
in the near future as we can today.

We call this price stability.

Price stability is important to you and others.

Person buying bread from a bakery ©Reinhild Kassing

For example, when you go shopping:
Today you buy bread for €2.


Bread on the shop counter for €1 (price stability) (© Reinhild Kassing)

With price stability:
Your bread will cost €2 in the future too.


A loaf of bread costs €2 (no price stability) ©Reinhild Kassing

Without price stability:
The bread would cost €4 in the future.


Half a loaf of bread costs €2 (no price stability) ©Reinhild Kassing

In other words:
You would only get half a loaf of bread for €2.


Things we all need in our daily lives: clothes, food and accommodation ©Reinhild Kassing

You need lots of things in your day-to-day life.
For example: clothes, food and somewhere to live.


People at the swimming pool ©Reinhild Kassing

Sometimes you also want to go swimming.

Without price stability,
all these things would get more expensive.
This is because money would lose its value.

Perhaps you no longer have enough money for the swimming pool.


Bank building with Bundesbank sign ©Reinhild Kassing

That is why the Bundesbank’s
most important task is to keep
the value of money stable.

This way, you can buy as much with your money
in the near future as you can today.

ECB and Bundesbank ©Reinhild Kassing

With the European Central Bank and the central banks of the other European countries, the Bundesbank keeps prices stable.

This means that things do not become too expensive for you.
This task is also called monetary policy.


National central banks ©Reinhild Kassing

Together, the Deutsche Bundesbank,
the European Central Bank and the central banks
of the European countries are called the Eurosystem.


Christine Lagarde ©Reinhild Kassing

The President of the European Central Bank is called Christine Lagarde.

ECB Governing Council ©Reinhild Kassing

All presidents of the central banks meet twice a month.

This is also called the Governing Council.

Person standing in front of a house holding a loaf of bread and wearing a jumper ©Reinhild Kassing

The Eurosystem’s Governing Council is called
the Governing Council of the European Central Bank.

Its short name is the ECB Governing Council.
It is pronounced ee-see-bee Governing Council.

The ECB Governing Council is in charge of monetary policy.
Prices for bread and other things stay stable.

Illustrations: © Reinhild Kassing