Environmental guideline

The business operations of institutions such as the Deutsche Bundesbank inevitably have an environmental impact. The Bundesbank is aware of its responsibility to minimise this impact and to make an active, sustainable contribution to protecting the environment and preventing climate change.

The Bundesbank therefore plans to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions from their levels in 2013 and 2014 by 25% by 2025. Its first step towards this goal will be to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 10% by 2020. Its long-term vision is to become carbon neutral.

This environmental guideline applies to all Bundesbank sites in Germany and bank processes

as well as to residential buildings managed by the Bundesbank. It is aimed at the Bundesbank's staff as well as the suppliers and partners who help them to achieve these goals. The environmental guideline will be regularly reviewed and updated if necessary.

The Bundesbank maintains an environmental management system that helps it to

  • make a commitment to protecting the environment and preventing climate change
  • reduce its carbon footprint
  • raise its standing among the general public
  • boost its innovativeness
  • motivate its employees
  • enhance its attractiveness as an employer and
  • improve its cost-effectiveness.

The areas of action within the Bundesbank's environmental management system are:

The Bundesbank will cut its use of resources and close its material cycles by incorporating sustainability criteria into construction and procurement processes.

The Bundesbank will reduce its energy consumption, increase energy efficiency and use renewable energies.

The Bundesbank will reduce the environmental impact of business trips and lower the car pool's fuel consumption. It will help its staff to commute in the most environmentally friendly way possible.

Management & communication
The Bundesbank will establish an energy and environmental management system that is based on established standards. It will provide regular updates on the implementation and achievement of the goals it has set.

Implementation guidelines

The Bundesbank will analyse the extraction of natural resources and the environmental impact of emissions and waste released into the ground, the water supply and, in particular, the air. It aims to reduce its environmental impact as a whole, with a particular focus on consumables, water consumption and waste.

Its goal is to create a sustainable system of business management with a stronger focus on environmental aspects and life cycle costs, and to close material cycles. It will integrate environmental and social sustainability criteria into its construction and procurement processes, thereby also "bailing in" suppliers and external service providers.

The Bundesbank strives to use energy in a way that makes economic and environmental sense. Wherever possible, it uses renewable energy and improves energy efficiency. The major determinants here are the physical condition of its office buildings, its technical facilities and information technology. 

As the Bundesbank is organised in a decentralised manner and integrated into international structures, business mobility is crucial. It is reducing the environmental impact of mobility within Germany by using public transport, cutting the general car pool’s fleet consumption and using electromobility. It is also promoting the use of virtual communication tools.

Management & communication
The Bundesbank's energy and environmental management system is based on national and international standards. Beyond compliance with statutory requirements, the Bundesbank has set itself ambitious goals for protecting the environment and preventing climate change. It is making available the necessary resources and information to meet these environmental goals. All managerial staff share responsibility for this task; they receive support via the energy and environmental management system.

Information about the Bundesbank's environmental policy is communicated internally on an ongoing basis. This includes information about environmental topics to raise awareness among staff and enable them to contribute to the achievement of the environmental objectives as a whole. The Bundesbank exchanges knowledge and experience with industry associations and publishes an annual report on the implementation and achievement of the goals it has set.